- landsepi::dispP_1Dispersal matrices for rust fungi of cereal crops.
- landsepi::dispP_2Dispersal matrices for rust fungi of cereal crops.
- landsepi::dispP_3Dispersal matrices for rust fungi of cereal crops.
- landsepi::dispP_4Dispersal matrices for rust fungi of cereal crops.
- landsepi::dispP_5Dispersal matrices for rust fungi of cereal crops.
- landsepi::landscapeTEST1Landscapes
- landsepi::landscapeTEST2Landscapes
- landsepi::landscapeTEST3Landscapes
- landsepi::landscapeTEST4Landscapes
- landsepi::landscapeTEST5Landscapes
- SMITIDvisu::hostlineA host infomation over time
- SMITIDvisu::st.dist113_2Distance matrix of observed variants sequences of a host 113 at time 2 from simulation.
- SMITIDvisu::st.dist113_allDistance matrix of observed variants sequences of a host 113 at time 2, 3 and 4 from simulation.
- SMITIDvisu::st.listTimeProp113List of variants ID with subvector for time and value.
- SMITIDvisu::st.prop113_2Variants proportions and count for host 113 at time 2 from simulation.
- SMITIDvisu::st.prop113_allVariants proportions and count for an host 113 at time 2, 3 and 4 from simulation.
- SMITIDvisu::tt.edgesPathogen link over the time
- SMITIDvisu::tt.eventsData.frame of hosts events information by time. Fake data.
- SMITIDvisu::tt.nodesHost list with there status over the time.